Rio Crossing HOA
vew.rcma/rcma : Mailing List Archive - News about Rio Crossing for owners and residents
It's not difficult to set up your own URL shortening site. I've used a freely available URL shortener software. All you really need is a short domain name (why would you use a long one?) and a PHP-based hosting site. You don't really need me to help you set it up, but if you want help, I can do it for a small fee.
Contact me for more details.
You might have to hunt for my contact info. The desert lizard is hard to find sometimes. : Peggy Glenn - Voiceover actress, a.k.a. Granny Pottymouth : Envato Elements - Inexpensive site for media : Old Desert Lizard - It's me!
vew.rcma/rcma : Mailing List Archive - News about Rio Crossing for owners and residents
vew.rcma/tzryoutube : YouTube Channel - News about time zone and daylight saving time legislation
vew.rcma/tzrcongress : Search - Look for US daylight saving time legislation